Entering and exiting protocol


When entering from the navigation channel of the ‘Gooimeer’ (coming from the direction of Amsterdam), ships can sail ahead via the sub channel straight into the harbour. Afterwards ship can the mooring at the cruise jetty.

After visiting Huizen, ships will sail to their next destination.


Since there are no possibilities within the port of Huizen to turn with a cruiseship (with sizes ranging up to 135 meters in length and 12 meters in width), vessels will have to navigate backwards into the navigation channel of the Gooimeer.

However, a conflict will arise with regards to the BPR (‘Binnenvaart Politie Reglement’, which are the inland shipping regulations), which states that within the navigation channel a ship is not allowed to lay idle and is not allowed to perform special maneuvers (i.e. turning).

The following solutions regarding the entering and exiting of the harbour have been provided:

Rijkswaterstaat (a part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management), has altered the buoys of main navigation channel as well as the sub channels which makes entering the sub channels from the main navigation channel easier to perform.

Regarding the exiting and turning, it has been agreed upon that this can be performed on the southside of the navigation channel, directly east of sub channel. See attached drawings for more information.

Sufficient depth has been demonstrated with a multibeam sounding. With this method, the height of the bodem relative to NAP (EVRS, internationally) can be measured. Based on standard water levels of the IJsselmeer it can be concluded whether there is sufficient depth.

Entering the port of Huizen

To reach the port of Huizen, ships need to sail between buoys GM 26 / H1 and GM 24 in the direction of the port of Huizen. Once the entrance of the port has been reached, starboard shore needs to be followed to be able to reach the mooring facility, which is after about 500 meters. Afterwards, mooring can be done on portside. The front mooring post has a white shining light during the evening.

Exiting the port of Huizen

From the mooring facility ships will need to sail backwards exiting the port. When reaching buoys H3 and H2, ships will need to turn before (on the south side of) buoy GM 24 on the eastside of the sub channel (keep in mind: the main navigation channel of the Gooimeer starts after buoy GM 24). Once the ship is in line with buys H2 and GM 24, ships can sail into the navigation channel. See the attached drawing for more information.

Please keep in mind:

  • Until buoys H3 and H2 have been reached, it is not possible to turn.
  • Turning in the navigation channel of the Gooimeer is not allowed as stated in the rules of the BPR.
  • The port entrance can be crowded with tourists and other water sports enthusiasts during the summer.

Chief Harbour Master

The office of the chief harbour master can be found in the botter yard (“Botterwerf”), which is located at Havenstraat 302, 1271 GD HUIZEN.


April 1 – September 30: Daily from 09:00am – 07:30pm
October 1 – March 31: Mon, Wed, Fri – 09:00am – 3:30pm

+31 (0) 6 27308084 
